1·IOS will suggest folder names based on the apps dropped into a folder, but headings like Games, Utilities, work, Music, and other generic categories will work fine for most users.
2·The chapters on sorting are very useful to anyone who needs to sort data; the elegance, speed, and agility of the UNIX text-based sorting utilities put modern GUIs to shame.
有关排序的部分对于那些需要对数据进行排序的用户来说非常有用;UNIX 中基于文本的排序工具所具有的优雅、速度和灵活性足以让现代的 GUI 工具感到汗颜。
3·The purpose of this project is to provide a set of code generators, scaffolding, utilities, and a basic MVC framework for use with Google Web Toolkit based applications.
这个项目的目的在于提供一组代码生成器、建构基本框架、工具和基本的MVC框架,供给基于Google Web Toolkit的应用软件使用。
4·It's testing the system with a few utilities in Massachusetts where utility employees can communicate with customers on how to shave energy based on their data.
5·There are third party Web-based utilities for XML that can help you deal with conversions between DTDS and XML schemas.
有一些基于 Web 的第三方 XML 实用程序可以帮助进行 DTD 和 XML 模式之间的转换。
6·It includes all the tools and utilities necessary to create, deploy and secure either a Notes or a Web-based application.
7·a partner at New York-based Greentech Capital Advisors, said utilities may still be in the market for acquisitions this year.
迈克·莫尔纳(Michael Molnar,高宝绿色科技集团的顾问)则表示公用事业今年仍将活跃于并购市场。
8·Unix-based operating systems include curl by default, and you can download free curl utilities for other OSes.
9·The range of future time and the length of reservation are customizable and can differ based on the user. The major utilities provided by Web interface includes
10·The prices assumed for raw materials, utilities, and plant costs are based on conditions in india .